Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tam Tam selsema

Kesian Tam Tam, kena selsema pulak. Tak la teruk sgt cause he still have appetite. Apa je hidang, mesti dia lantak. Pas tu main tak beringat! Macam tak selsema langsung!

Then once in a while he would sneeze. 'Choottt'... so soft and cute sgt bersin dia.. haha. Lepas bersin2 tu, boleh lagi dia berlari2 sana sini macam kena rasuk!

Dah nak dekat 4 hari kami noticed hidung dia dah mula meleleh dan mata belah kiri berair dan byk bertaik mata. Kami lap2 la jugak tapi itu not curing. So last week we finally took him to Ara Ampang Animal Center utk jumpa vet.

Suasana klinik tu...

Ni masa Tam Tam tgh menunggu dalam carrier. Kelihatan penuh cemas and alert. Ni first time bawak dia ke klinik. Mula2 dia ngiau2 gak softly, pas tu lepas kami gosok2 dia dan say soothing words to let him know we are around, dia mula relaks sikit. Dok je diam2 dalam sangkar dia tu sambil memerhati pets lain yg dah mula datang.

So doktor check2 dan bagi Tam Tam ubat selsema Disol, antibiotik VibraVet [both in tablet form] dan multi vitamin [liquid]. Vet tu siap tunjuk how to administer the ubat2an. Basically kena force open Tam Tam's mouth and letak pil right in the middle on its inner oral orifice. Kesian Tam Tam kena force telan pil2 tu. Pas tu kena gosok2 leher dia to sooth and make sure dia telan pil2 tu.

Vet tu also asked if Tam Tam dah divaccinate. So we told her that Tam Tam's next 2nd vaccination is scheduled next week at SPCA where we adopted Tam Tam. After a bit of discussion, we decided to do the 2nd vaccination at the clinic. We were also asked if Tam Tam had been tested for feline leukemia virus [FeLV] and feline immunodeficiency virus [FIV]. Huh.... 1st time dengar virus2 ni. Maklum la, kami tak pernah bela kucing. So we said we never knew of such tests. She highly recommended the tests. We immediately agreed. We, of course want the best for our Tam Tam. So we decided and scheduled Tam Tam for another visit to the clinic next week for the 2nd vaccination, tests for the viruses and for Tam Tam to be given a jab to prevent the 2 viruses and also, I think to cegah cacing. We also think nak spray Tam Tam dgn ubat spray kutu cause kami noticed once in while Tam Tam dok tergaru2.

Sampai je rumah, after about an hour, I think the effect of the ubat really got to Tam Tam. Tak tau la pulak if the medications made him drowsy or sleepy but Tam Tam tido sampai tak sedar diri... hehe

Melentok terus atas sofa....

Dan melepek macam tak tido seminggu.... so cute me think... hehe

Close up so cute.. hehe.... terjelir sikit lidah pink dia .. haha

So lena, so blissful...

After a couple of hours lebih kurang, Tam Tam pun terbangun. Terus aku grab camera and took these shots.. haha....

Tengok tu, macam susah sgt nak open his eyes. Cam drowsy sgt... :)

Kesian, meleleh hidung.....

Ni dia nak sambung balik lelap.... :)

No photograph may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, stored, manipulated, or used whole or in part of a derivative work, without written permission from Syed Amran. All rights reserved.

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