Sunday, April 8, 2012

Tam Tam pergi klinik

Semalam 07-04-2012, Tam Tam Jr kena pergi klinik. For vaccination and test for feline viruses. Kena buat test FeLV dan FIV [cam kucing punya HIV]. Also nak check selsema dia, ade ke kurang atau sihat dah. Pas tu nak check gak how to treat his losing hair kat telinga dan kening. Also nak tanya doktor if can treat for kutu sebab once in a while nampak dia menggaru.

Huh... byk benda nak check. Kesian Tam Tam. I hope dia tak trauma pulak.....

We were the first to arrive. Bagus la, cepat check Tam Tam tak payah tunggu lama2. Maklum la tentu dia nervous. Actually aku pun nervous gak, takut2 Tam Tam ader penyakit2 tu. Ade likely sebab Tam Tam kami adopt dari SPCA dan dia dah bergaul dgn kucing2 lain. Aduhhh... the more I think about it the more nervous I became. Can't bear the thought of losing yet another cat. Pemergian Tam Tam Sr masih lagi terasa dan aku masih lagi bersedih....

Anyway, this is the clinic - Ara Ampang Animal Center.

Of course mesti bawak Tam Tam Jr in his carrier. Bukan boleh dukung2. Kang dia memberontak dan menggeliat langsung terlepas pulak. Satu hal pulak nak dok kejaq dia, haih... Tu pun dalam carrier tu dia dok resah jek. So kena la entertain dia kejap2.

Pas tu bila clinik dah open, kami pun masuk la. Since Tam Tam dok ngiau2 je, kami pun kasi la dia keluar. Pretty safe cause belum ader customer2 lain and their pets. Just us. Actually, kat klinik dan tertera kat dinding to keep cats in carrier. But we thought it would make Tam Tam less restless if he knows his surrounding a bit more. So ni foto2 Tam Tam roaming the clinic with me tailing him with my camera.. hehe :)

Then the doctor arrived and we were called in. Firstly, the weighing. Nak dekat sekilo naik since last week. MasyaAllah, cepatnya naik berat badan!

Tam Tam nervous semacam je. So kena belai2 to calm him down.

Kesian Tam Tam. Ni masa tgh ambik temperature ikut bontot. Kesian dia :(. Walau pun I am sure he felt the discomfort, tapi Tam Tam diam je dan ngiau2 sedih.

Ni masa doktor nak ambik blood sample to do test on the viruses. Tam Tam was really aggressive. Dia melawan. But the doc's assistant held him firm. Then the doctor ever so politely told us that it would be good if we wait outside at the waiting area. To which we quickly agreed because we do not want to be in the way. From outside we heard Tam Tam mengiau dgn kuat and tried not to worry. We are sure the doctor is well qualified.. hehe. Risau lebih2 la pulak.

Then the doctor told us the steps of testing the FeLV and FIV. Basically Tam Tam blood sample will be dropped into a device which contain some sort of strip. If Tam has none of the viruses, only one blue dot will appear. If 2 other dots appeared, meaning Tam Tam have the viruses. If it is the latter, nothing much can be done even with vaccination were given for such viruses. Hearing this, the same old fear and sadness washed over me as I immediately was reminded of our dear and beloved Tam Tam Sr. Then we were told to wait outside for 10 minutes as it'll take that long for the results to appear.

It was the longest 10 minutes ever. I never knew that I could feel this way about a cat. I mean come on, it's just an animal, right? Oh well, call me sensitive or whatever, but when it come to animals, especially cats, I admit I have a soft spot for them. So there.

I digress.... hehe. The doctor was all smiles. We were smiling too albeit a bit nervously. Then she said Tam Tam Jr is a healthy cat. As healthy as a cat can be.

Syukur Alhamdulillahhh....

Except, the docktor said, Tam Tam still has a bit of a runny nose and ear mites problem, which are treatable. Sebab ear mites tu la doktor kata bulu2 Tam Tam kat telinga dan kening kurang dan nipis. Tam Tam was then injected with medicine to prevent kurap disebabkan kehadiran ear mites tu. Also to treat the kutu2 tu yg dok bermastautin dalam lubang2 telinga Tam Tam, doktor bagi ear drop. Doktor siap buat demonstration how to put the ear drops [which is a clear gel like substance] - insert muncung botol ear drops tu and squeeze. Then on the outer part of the lubang, give another squirt. Then the doctor squished Tam Tam ear from behind/outer part of the ear a few times to get the gel to really spread in the ear.

Then Tam Tam was injected yet again, for the 2nd cat vaccination. Kesian Tam Tam Jr. Sabtu tu je dia kena cucuk dgn jarum nak dekat 6 kali.

Tam Tam Jr now has a Vaccination record :)

Berat dah 3.4 kg. My wife is determined not to let Tam Tam grow fat. She said she will monitor Tam Tam's food and we must ensure that we play with him often. Kang dok makan tiduq je, ha... bila dah gemuk nanti byk pulak penyakit.

Details on the vaccination

Yang ni ear drop yg mesti di administer 2 kali sehari. Aduh... bukan senang sebab Tam Tam Jr kuat protes !! :)

Syukur Alhamdulillah, Tam Tam Jr sihat dan dah pun fully vaccinated. Even though that day's treatment costs RM231.00, we feel that is was worth it. Tam Tam Jr had brought so much joy in our lives that no value can be put on it :)

No photograph may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, stored, manipulated, or used whole or in part of a derivative work, without written permission from Syed Amran. All rights reserved.

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