Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tam Tam and Tidy Cats

It's just amazing how this non-clumping clay can absorb the nasty smell of a cat's urine and poo poo. Like seriously, we almost always do not need to spray any air freshener. Unless of course if Tam Tam did not cover bahan buangan dia betul2 lah... hehe

Waaa... got deodorizing system lah! Ada kebolehan pengawalan bau2an yg power. So canggih. Pasir for kucing buang air pun got advance features.

Tapi kan, yg penting pasir tu kena sesuai dgn Tam Tam. Once for our old cat, we tried another brand that can do this and that, like can clump up the urine la, super absorb the odor la etc etc. End up our cat tu dok bersin2. Rupanya cat litter tu berabuk and dusty. Can see the dust 'evaporates' when we pour into the litter box.

Haa... yg ni penting. Ianya 99.6% dust free. Hurrah !!

Anyway, Tam Tam seemed happy. It is important to ensure that your cat can poo poo comfortably, right?
Beware, kat bawah tu ader gambar2 Tam Tam tgh poo poo.... don't tell me I did not warn you... Hahahahaha....

Last weekend, we bought not 1, not 2 but 8 sacks of Tidy Cats' cat litter. Satu kampit tu dah 4 kg lebih. Beli pulak yg dah siap packed 4 kampit. So memang le tak larat nak angkut 16 kg pasir tuh. So kena le pakai trolley. Nasib baik trolley dah memang ader kat rumah.

Masuk je rumah, Tam Tam perhati dgn begitu serious. Heran kot tengok kita orang sorong sacks tu. Pas tu dia terus naik atas pasir tu dan checking2. So I pun grab le camera... hehe :)

Dan setiap kali bila kami tukarkan pasir, Tam Tam mesti tak menyempat2 nak masuk and do his business. Kadang2 sampaikan tak sempat nak tuang habis kasi penuh bekas dia tu dah dia masuk dan cangkong. Aiyoohh.... dah emergency sgt lah tuh! Fikir2 balik kesian pulak. Entah berapa lama dia dok tahan sebelum tu tunggu pasir dia diganti...

Here's a couple of shot of Tam Tam tengah you-know-what-lah... hahaha

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